It is used to display a quotation from another source, see the below example:
When someone tells you it can’t be done, it’s more a reflection of their limitations, not yours! — Syed Balkhi
Notification Boxes
Easily create custom boxes for your blog posts and page, these can be used for a number of purposes such as adding bonus content for content upgrades, notification boxes, and to highlight some text or info in the post.
This is the notification text
This is the notification text
This is the notification text
This is the notification text
We have a few more colors that you can check here.
Optin Forms
This is the most important part of an online business, having an effective email list can help you get more eyeballs to your content and new products. You can also use your list to promote affiliate products and generate huge commissions.
Signup now and receive an email once I publish new content.
Create Buttons
To create custom buttons like below, simply add this code in the Text editor view.
For simple / regular button:
<a class="button" href="#">Buy Now</a>
For Large button:
<a class="button-large" href="#">Buy Now</a>
For Extra Large button
<a class="button-x-large" href="#">Buy Now</a